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Newborn Vaccination: Your Baby’s Immunisation Schedule in Malaysia

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The arrival of your baby is a moment to celebrate with family and friends to share the joy of the start of a new life. But parents can’t afford to let their guard down. There’s a reason why you keep everyone from kissing the baby— the same reason why your child needs to get vaccinations. These early years are crucial to ensure that your child is protected and stays healthy throughout.

Your Child’s Vulnerable Immunity

Children have vulnerable immune systems that are still developing. This means they are more susceptible to serious infections compared to adults. Vaccines work by introducing a weakened or inactive form of a virus or bacteria to the body. This triggers the immune system to create antibodies that can fight the real infection if encountered later. 

Vaccination doesn’t only protect the individual child but also contributes to herd immunity. When a sizable portion of a community is vaccinated, it creates a barrier that makes it harder for the disease to spread. This indirect protection is especially important for vulnerable kids who can’t be vaccinated due to medical reasons or are too young to receive certain vaccines. This would become more important once your child enters kindergarten, where more outside exposure can bring more frequent sick days for your child.

Diseases Your Child Needs To Be Vaccinated Against

Staying educated about the diseases that could affect your child and their peers is important to remain alert about their health. In Malaysia, it is normal to look out for these particular diseases, and many clinics have resources to help parents protect their child, Klinik Azurose included.

An infectious disease caused by bacteria that can come in contact and live in the mouth and throat of your child. Diphtheria can cause difficulty breathing, paralysis, and heart failure.

Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib)
A serious infection that mainly affects children under 5 years. It can typically cause meningitis, pneumonia through an infection of the lungs, and swelling of the epiglottis, a flap of tissue at the back of the tongue that can block the airway.

Hepatitis B
Infection of the liver by the Hepatitis B virus. If the body can’t fight off the virus, it can lead to long-term liver damage, cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), liver cancer, etc.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)
The most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Certain strains of HPV can cause cervical cancer, the third most common cancer among women worldwide.

Japanese encephalitis (JE)
Infection of the brain caused by JE virus. Children who develop symptoms of JE are more likely to experience complications that can lead to permanent brain damage, learning disabilities, etc.

Measles can cause fever, rash, cough, and runny nose. It is highly contagious and can cause similar complications.

Mumps causes a swelling of the salivary glands (cheeks) and fever. While usually mild, mumps can lead to complications like inflammation of the testicles in males (orchitis) and ovaries in females (oophoritis), deafness, and meningitis.

Rubella (German measles) can cause a mild rash, fever, and joint pain. In some cases, rubella can cause serious birth defects if a pregnant woman contracts the disease. 

Pertussis aka Whooping Cough
Highly contagious, with violent and persistent coughing that makes it hard for your child to breathe. It’s often described as a series of rapid coughs followed by a high-pitched “whoop.” This can lead to oxygen deprivation, dehydration and even seizures.

Poliomyelitis (polio)
An infectious and incurable viral disease that attacks the nervous system. A severe form of this disease can cause sudden weakness or paralysis in one or more limbs.

Also known as lockjaw, caused by bacteria toxins that attack the body’s nervous system,  leading to painful muscle stiffness and tightening throughout the body.

Tuberculosis (TB)
A disease that commonly infects the lungs, but can also attack other parts such as the kidney, spine, skin, intestines, and brain.

A bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae that can affect the lungs and other parts of the body.

Malaysia’s National Immunisation Programme for Your Child

Malaysia has a comprehensive National Immunisation Programme (NIP) to protect newborns against various life-threatening childhood diseases. Introduced in the 1950s and designed after a similar programme by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it outlines 13 prevalent childhood diseases that parents should have their child vaccinated for.

Your Newborn Vaccination Schedule

Also known as the National Immunisation Programme schedule, it is a timeline of vaccinations specifically designed to maximise the coverage your child receives and avoid downtime between shots.

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Here’s a breakdown of the recommended vaccination schedule for newborns in Malaysia:

At Birth:
Your child should receive a single dose BCG vaccine to protect against tuberculosis, as well as a shot of hepatitis B immunisation.

At 6 Weeks:
Around the two-month mark, your child will start a series of doses of the Hexavalent Vaccine (Infanrix-hexa). This powerful six-in-one vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, poliomyelitis (polio), and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). This is the first dose of a three-dose series, next administered in the 3rd and 5th months.

At 4 Months:
Your child should receive the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) (HiB-PCV) dose. This vaccine protects against pneumococcal diseases, which can cause pneumonia, meningitis, and ear infections. This is the first dose of a two-dose series.

At 9 Months:
This is when you’ll start a two-dose series of MMR vaccines that protect your child against measles, mumps, and rubella. The next dose will come on the 12th month.

Of course, there are also booster doses for your child to be extra careful.

Additional Vaccinations Offered by Klinik Azurose in Cheras

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Some vaccinations not outlined by the National Immunisation Programme can be found in private clinics and are up to the discretion of the parents. Some vaccines offered include:

  • Rotavirus Vaccine (Rotarix): This oral vaccine helps prevent rotavirus infection, a common cause of severe diarrhoea in young children. Two or three doses are recommended, depending on the brand and schedule.
  • Influenza Vaccine: Depending on the season and doctor’s recommendation, some newborns may receive their first dose of the influenza vaccine at 2 months. 
  • Meningococcal Vaccine: This vaccine may be recommended depending on the child’s age, travel plans, and other risk factors.
  • Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox Vaccine): This vaccine protects against chickenpox, a highly contagious illness. It’s typically given between 12 months and 13 years of age.

When Is My Baby Not Suitable For A Vaccination?

You would want to avoid a vaccination at the moment if your baby is currently experiencing symptoms like a high fever, or a cough. You would not want to strain your child’s immunity. Instead, allow your baby to recover fully before administering any vaccinations.

If your child previously had an adverse reaction to a vaccine, or just has a weak immune system, you may need special consideration before following the schedule. It’s best if you speak to a health professional about your concerns. Our doctors at Klinik Azurose can best advise you on what to do next.

Vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to safeguard your child’s health. By following the recommended schedule, you’re giving your newborn the best chance to grow up healthy and strong. Remember, these vaccines not only protect your child but also help prevent the spread of diseases in the community.

If you’re looking for a reliable clinic to vaccinate your child and keep track of their schedule, visit Klinik Azurose in Cheras. We are ready to help new parents on their journey to keep their child safe and tell them everything they need to know. Book an appointment today!

Patient Testimonials About Our Cheras Clinic

newborn vaccination schedule malaysia

Your Go-To Clinic for a Comprehensive Vaccination Plan for Your Child

As one of the most trusted women and child health clinic, we consistently provide excellent service for expectant mothers and their child. Keep your little one safe and protected from common childhood diseases with our vaccination packages!